Prime Opp #1 Rated Fund

Prime Opportunities Partners LP ranked as the #1 Long/Short Hedge Fund in the world.

Mon, Nov 27 2023

Written by Justin Friedlander

Prime Opportunities Partners LP, which has been ranked as the #1 Long/Short Hedge Fund in the world by BarclayHedge and ranks #1 in Long Only Unlevered funds compared to Morningstar’s Top 50 World’s Largest mutual funds and ETFs.

Good Afternoon,

We appreciate your interest in our fund, Prime Opportunities Partners LP, which has been ranked as the #1 Long/Short Hedge Fund in the world by BarclayHedge and ranks #1 in Long Only Unlevered funds compared to Morningstar’s Top 50 World’s Largest mutual funds and ETFs. These accolades aren’t merely a testament to our outstanding returns, but an affirmation of our disciplined approach to risk management. Unlike many funds that succumb within 5 to 7 years due to high-risk ventures, we’ve consistently placed an unwavering emphasis on managing risk and delivering robust returns without ever wavering from our foundational principles.

BarclayHedge Ranking Report

March 2023

Top 30 Equity Long/Short Hedge Funds*

For the period 1/1/2009 to 3/31/2023. Ranked by Compound Annual Return.

Fund Compound Annual Return Total Return Correlation vs. S & P 500 TR
1 Prime Opportunities Partners LP 16.33 762.89 0.37
2 Anson Investments Master Fund 16.15 744.35 0.06
3 Horizon Kinetics Equity Opp LP CI A 15.77 705.66 0.34
4 Regal Tasman Market Neutral Fund 13.43 502.37 0.13
5 TCW Sepulveda L/S Equity Fund II LP 13.12 479.16 0.69
6 Gagnon Investment Associates LLC 12.93 465.52 0.72
7 Harvest Small Cap Ptnrs 12.58 440.91 -0.13
8 Invitational Ptnrs Fund LP 12.29 421.84 0.88
9 Cadian Offshore Fund LP 12.10 409.25 0.30
10 Cooper Creek Partners LLC 11.02 343.70 0.28
11 Sector Zen Fund A NOK 10.64 322.19 0.42
12 Quantitative Tactical Aggressive Fund 10.61 320.97 -0.05
13 Ion Israel Fund 10.59 319.84 0.57
14 Tiger Value Fund Class B 10.28 303.40 0.49

Our guidelines are:

  1. We only invest in publicly traded companies with a minimum market cap of $500 million, ensuring portfolio liquidity.
  2. Our portfolio maintains precise leverage ratios, with monthly rebalancing.
  3. Our positions have strict size limits to reduce risk from any single holding. Currently, our largest position is 8.5% (maximum limits 15% long, 10% short).
  4. We avoid risky assets such as naked options and derivatives, instead focusing on portfolio stability.
  5. We maintain a diverse portfolio covering 5+ sectors, with a balanced mix of long and short positions.
  6. Our performance numbers are verified, GIPS-compliant and we’re audited by KPMG.

Our CEO Pouya Yadegar and myself would love the opportunity to take you to lunch (if in the LA area) or discuss on the phone what sets our fund apart from the others.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards
Justin Friedlander