Prime Opportunities Partners LP ranked as the #1 Long/Short Hedge Fund in the world by BarclayHedge

We are humbled to announce that our fund, Prime Opportunities Partners LP, has been ranked as the #1 Long/Short Hedge Fund in the world by BarclayHedge since our inception 14.5 years ago.

Sat, Jul 22 2023

Written by Pouya Yadegar

This accolade from BarclayHedge isn't merely a testament to our outstanding returns, but an affirmation of our disciplined approach to risk management.

Unlike many funds that succumb within 5 to 7 years due to high-risk ventures, we’ve consistently placed an unwavering emphasis on managing risk, delivering robust returns without ever wavering from our foundational principles.

BarclayHedge Ranking Report

March 2023

Top 30 Equity Long/Short Hedge Funds*

For the period 1/1/2009 to 3/31/2023. Ranked by Compound Annual Return.

Fund Compound Annual Return Total Return Correlation vs. S & P 500 TR
1 Prime Opportunities Partners LP 16.33 762.89 0.37
2 Anson Investments Master Fund 16.15 744.35 0.06
3 Horizon Kinetics Equity Opp LP CI A 15.77 705.66 0.34
4 Regal Tasman Market Neutral Fund 13.43 502.37 0.13
5 TCW Sepulveda L/S Equity Fund II LP 13.12 479.16 0.69
6 Gagnon Investment Associates LLC 12.93 465.52 0.72
7 Harvest Small Cap Ptnrs 12.58 440.91 -0.13
8 Invitational Ptnrs Fund LP 12.29 421.84 0.88
9 Cadian Offshore Fund LP 12.10 409.25 0.30
10 Cooper Creek Partners LLC 11.02 343.70 0.28
11 Sector Zen Fund A NOK 10.64 322.19 0.42
12 Quantitative Tactical Aggressive Fund 10.61 320.97 -0.05
13 Ion Israel Fund 10.59 319.84 0.57
14 Tiger Value Fund Class B 10.28 303.40 0.49

This strategic posture is more evident when comparing our methodologies with the funds ranked #2 to #5 on the BarclayHedge list:

  • Anson Investments Master Fund is noteworthy for its performance, yet its unrestricted approach involving private equity, commodities, and PIPE deals introduces significant long-term risk due to a lack of clarity and exposure to various market fluctuations.
  • Horizon Kinetics Equity Opp LP adopts a concentrated approach with over half of its fund invested in gas extraction and a single holding that accounts for over 48% of its portfolio. This lack of diversification can potentially lead to instability.
  • Regal Tasman Market Neutral Fund is heavily invested in smaller Australian companies, leading to a geographic concentration that is in stark contrast to our globally diversified approach.
  • TCW Sepulveda L/S Equity Fund II LP embraces volatility by venturing into smaller cap companies and high-risk investments such as high yield, mortgage-backed, and asset-backed securities.

None of these funds adhere to the disciplined and risk-averse approach we follow at Prime.

Our guidelines are:

  1. We only invest in publicly traded companies with a minimum market cap of $500 million,
    ensuring portfolio liquidity.
  2. We adjust our portfolio to precise leverage ratios every month. Our Traditional Long Short fund,
    for example, strictly adheres to 125% long, 60% short rebalancing.
  3. Our positions have strict size limits to reduce risk from any single holding. Currently, our largest
    position is 8.5% (maximum limits 15% long, 10% short).
  4. We avoid risky assets such as naked options and derivatives, instead focusing on portfolio
  5. We maintain a diverse portfolio covering 5+ sectors, with a balanced mix of long and short
  6. Our performance numbers are verified, GIPS-compliant, and audited by KPMG.

Reflecting on the first half of 2023, we are immensely proud of our accomplishments to date and remain optimistic about the promising horizon. Our historical performance post-market downturns (an average return of 185% following market declines of more than 15%) provides us the confidence in our continued capacity to deliver superior value for our investors.

Furthermore, our 5-year price projections promise a bright future. We aim for an annualized return of 63.96%, suggesting the potential growth of each invested dollar to $11.85 – a thrilling prospect even if only a portion of this projection materializes.

We remain committed to our promise to you, our esteemed investors. We intend to uphold our management and performance fees at 1% and 15%, respectively, until we hit $300 million in assets under management. Our paramount goal, as always, is to maximize your return on investment.

For further details, kindly access the links below:

  • Subscription Documents
  • Our Website
  • BarclaysHedge Ranking

In closing, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your enduring trust and support. We’re eager to continue this journey together, and we look forward to unlocking the opportunities that the remaining 2023 has in store.

Here’s to a prosperous second half of 2023, and to our continued commitment to delivering robust returns and maintaining transparency for you, our valued investors.

Performance Summary:

YTD through July 31, 2023 Correlation Year-To-Date Return

Net of Fees

Average Annual Return

Net of Fees

Average Annual Return

Gross of Fees

Overall Return

Gross of Fees

Prime Traditional Long/Short


0.38 18.31% 16.06% 18.41% 1,341.78%

HFRX Equity Hedge Index

0.82 3.69% 2.79% 49.32%