Performance History

Prime has delivered solid overall performance since our inception in 2009.

We've outperformed the HFRX Equity Hedge Index by 17.83% annualized for 16 years, gross of fees.

We have a low correlation to the S&P 500: only 0.40 versus 0.82 for the HFRX.

Our track record in S&P down months has vastly exceeded benchmarks.

Statistical Significance of Prime's Performance

The odds of our outperformance being attributable to luck are:

Prime LOU’s 22.25% gross annualized return minus S&P’s 15.06% =


Chances of outperforming the S&P by 7.19% in a single year =


Chances of outperforming the S&P by 7.19% over 16 years (33.72%^16) =



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